P1 & P2 shortcuts
January 12th, 2010 by oleg_inseadSorry for not hearing from me for exactly one period of classes at INSEAD. What the real pace of the life means I’ve understood during the first two days of p2. But before starting to describe p1 and p2 I introduce some recent changes. Firstly, I switch my blog into English. Sorry, but it’s time saving for me. Hope it will not cause any problem for you JSecondly, what is to be a real blogger I understood during the trip from Paris to Singapore. Yes, yes, yes, I moved from frozen fonty to sunny singy to escape winter. So, next posts will be more aligned with the real day-to-day life J and they will be posted more often.
Seating in Singapore airport (in my moderate experience it is the best one) while waiting the delaying flight to country of kangaroos and the great barrier reef, I am trying to catch up on my personal promise to keep you informed about INSEAD life.
So, let’s start… P1, as I mentioned before, flew very fast. “Real love does not exist”,” we all are messed up” and “I wanna sleep” were the hit expressions among the students. First two came from Statistics class and were over utilized by our sexy professor. At the very final session one student asked him whether it’s his personal problem or not… 10 sec of silence in class and the last ten minutes of the class professor looked as he is solving Ferma’s theorem… sometimes people could be straightforward… Nevertheless, the professor was really great. Explaining the statistics, he could very easily to find real life examples to explain z-curve or “long tails”…
Finance became the hit of p1 as it was the most complicated subject for everybody (I do not consider ex-bankers of course). NPV and APV were smoothly integrated in everyday life. So, now you could estimate your future in terms of NPV and whether it is attractive to be a potential husband/wife. It sounds funny, but the berries are ahead))))))
….After p1 we had a break during which group of us went to Amsterdam for dj’s festival. It was awesome))) I would recommend visit at least one of them to comprehend the real dj’s performance.
P2… As I told you it was that “piece of cake” J Being exempted from marketing, I still had the same 5 classes but now the y are more deeper and faster than they were just a week ago. (just wanna remind to those who are preparing for gmat that the construction starting with being is almost always incorrect) Now, can you imagine a friend of mine who was exempted from two classes in p1 and whose workflow more than doubled in p2?! Hence, in the middle of the p2 people frustration increased as much as decreased their self estimation… yes, it was the period when “the stretch of my mind” has really started. Started unexpectedly from shrinking of everything you knew and felt before.
Two stars of p2– professors of finance and operations. The finance professors (here are the berries) very easily explained when and why companies are overvalued and undervalued. He kept his promise that we would remember it till the end of our days. So, when you are overvalued you are getting married, and so do companies issuing new shares. When you are undervalued, you got divorce, and so do companies by buying back shares. Now you understand the basics of corporate finance J
Financial exam was also showed us who is who. Now the ex-bankers are in the same boat with us J. It’s clear that everything is unclear J
Strategy… I underestimated the value of strategic view for myself before coming to the MBA, even though it was one of the two main areas I wanted to learn. Cases unveiled a lot for me. For instance, blue ocean, a new strategy approach, is no more a “pop-music” for me. It’s real “The Beatles”. Frankly speaking, the subject just pushes you to think about HOW to get the same success as Jet Star or Wii. Nothing more, but it’s more than enough to start looking for new opportunities in post-MBA life.
On the break I feel very uncomfortable – there are no cases to read, there are no group assignments, there are no reason to go to campus… no, the reason is – after p3 the job search starts… but I will think about it after NY. Now brains need to reload… not only brains, some parts of your body as wellJ for instance, your eyes want to watch something new rather than laptop’s monitor, library’s lamps and the same 4.5 kilometers of every-day road to campus…
I wish everybody Merry X-mas and Happy New Year, again Marry Christmas (for orthodox) and Happy Old New Year (if you understand it, of course J)
Looked through the last wishes and feel very sorry for such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge delay)))))))))